COFIA Farms fosters greater health, food security and
widespread economic empowerment in eastern Uganda
through sustainable farming.
What We Do.
COFIA has created an innovative solution to engage smallholder women farmers—on less than five acres each—to sustainably increase productivity, household income, and food security while conserving the natural resource base. Our robust agri-business social enterprise focuses on four key elements:
Improving agricultural practices and economic opportunities for smallholder farmers in eastern Uganda, with a focus on women.
Partnering with researchers to bolster crop varieties and increase sustainable productivity for the region in the face of climate change.
Improving child and family nutrition at the household level.
Promoting agricultural innovation through strategic partnership and training.
How We Do It.

Who Benefits?
School-aged children in rural villages of Eastern Uganda go to school hungry every day because they live in food insecure households, lacking consistent access to adequate nutrition.
Economically empowered women are key to lifting families out of poverty. When women have fair and equitable access to opportunities, their increased agricultural yields and food security lead to well-nourished children with improved intellectual capacity and emotional health.
The Women’s Stories: Coming Soon
Long-Term Impact.
When women have fair and equitable access to opportunities, communities and families experience:
Increased widespread adoption of sustainable agriculture
Increased economic empowerment
Reduced hunger and food insecurity
Increased environmental sustainability and resilience to climate change
Increased child health, nutrition and learning potential
Decreased gender inequity

Why Agriculture?

Studies have shown that growth in the agricultural sector—the backbone of Uganda’s economy—is more than twice as effective at reducing poverty as growth in any other sector.
Farming in the villages of Eastern Uganda is done in the ways of past generations, resulting in poor and unreliable crop yields, lack of crop diversity and low nutritive values. The majority of families derive their sustenance from farming, but very little income is generated in this way, as farmers have little access to market opportunities that can support investments in better inputs, tools and farming practices. Climate change further challenges their efforts.
Lack of knowledge and resources are the major obstacles; the people are very capable, dedicated and full of ingenuity.
In alignment with the United Nations Millennial Development Goals, we support smallholder women farmers in eastern Uganda because we believe doing so helps them create better lives for their families and benefit their communities.
How and Why to Support COFIA’s Work

Sustainable Farming – Whole farm management system, high-quality yields, high-value yields, soil health, improved biodiversity
Demonstration Farm & Resource Center – Offering extension and advisory services with agribusiness orientation. Access to knowledge, markets, credit and input supply services
Higher incomes Reduced poverty
Increased food security Reduced child hunger
Increased access to healthy and safe food Improved child health, nutrition and learning
More equitable gender opportunities
Replication of the enterprise model in targeted rural communities near schools – A strategy to achieve food security for school-age children
Financially sustainable model – Net revenues plus a limited external investment would fund subsequent demonstration farms and resource centers
Donations Can Be Made To:
COFIA Uganda
P.O. Box 10452
Kampala, Uganda
P.O. Box 111679
Tacoma, WA 98411-1679

Agricultural Innovation & Technology Hold Key to Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries, says World Bank Report: https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2019/09/16/agricultural-innovation-technology-hold-key-to-poverty-reduction-in-developing-countries-says-world-bank-report
Empowering female farmers to feed the world: Closing the global gender gap in agriculture would grow food production and build sustainable futures for women:
Promoting Gender Equitable Opportunities in Agricultural Value Cahins: https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/pnaeb644.pdf
United Nations Millennial Development Goals: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/